Friday, April 22, 2011

Namibian Ingredients

There are certain ingredients that make living in Namibia so special… I would love to take some home with me…but some I'd rather leave in Namibia :)

Having a big “Braai” (BBQ) with family and friends with “Poikie” (hotpot that has to cook for 6 (!!!) hours on the BBQ made of potatoes, Boereworst (sausage), veggies )

The Boerewors (a long, spicy sausage that is rolled together in a circle) as a starter .. everyone just picks a piece of wors from the BBQ

The Amarula .. creamy liquor that tastes a bit like Bailey’s but has a slight flavor of lemon

The Savanna Cider… it’s lovely for warm summer evenings

The Ostrich, Oryx, Springbok steak- juicy and wild !

The Butternut… a sweet pumpkin that you cook with cinnamon or nutmeg

The Sundowners: you select a nice spot in the nature and celebrate the sunset with a drink and some snacks

Driving an old, big, rusty truck around never-ending roads

The spectacular lightnings and thunderstorms you get here every time (!) it rains in summer

The colors of a sunset- they’re different everyday

The fact that people are celebrating rain

The smell in the desert after a heavy rainfall

Endless, wide, open landscapes.. they just give you a true feeling of freedom and peace

People from the Ovambo tribe singing and dancing traditionally.. It’s pure passion & fun

The fresh oysters and crayfish at the coast

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Saying "Kak!" and "ne man!" without being rude

Calling each other "sister" or "girlfriend" (the girls)

The long distances you have to drive to any kind of grocery store

The fact that there is almost no water coming out of taps around midday

Snakes, scorpions, red wasps, ticks and mosquitoes

The fact that electricity breaks down after a heavy rainfall or thunderstorm

Having to worry about draught and lack of water all the time

The fact that you greet people with a kiss on the mouth, even if you've only met them once before

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